DeadSkullzJr NDS Cheat Databases (2025)

DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Databases
TypeHack Utilities
Last Updated2023/12/25

These cheat database sets are for Nintendo DS flashcarts, cheating devices, computer emulators, and homebrew applications for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS consoles. Each database contains Action Replay codes for your favorite NDS games.


  • Organized and restructured the supported titles and cheat lists respectively.
  • Add support for various titles, this includes ROM hacks.
  • Add cheat codes others may have stumbled upon or have created over time.
  • Additional cheat codes created by DeadSkullzJr.
  • Recreate, redesign, and or test older cheat codes constantly to ensure a level of accurate data handling and to make sure they aren't problematic when used.

User guide

Compatibility list

Cheat databases and Supported devices/linkers/softwares
Cheat.datKernelAceKard 2 Menu, AKAIO, M3 Menu, R4 Menu.
Cheat.dbKernelM3 Sakura.
Cheat_EN.dbKernelM3 Sakura.
Cheats.datKernelAceKard 2 Menu, AKAIO, EDGE Menu.
Cheats.xmlCheat DevicesAction Replay DS, Action Replay DSi.
KernelAceKard 2 Menu, AKAIO.
HomebrewNitro Hax (3DS/DSi/NDS).
EZARCode.datKernelEZ-Flash V Menu (Original).
SCC cheatsKernelSuperCard DSONE OS.
User.evoCheatsKernelCycloDS Menu.
Usrcheat.datKernelAceKard 2 Menu, AKAIO, DSTT Menu, EZ-Flash V Menu, EZ-Flash Vi Menu, R4i Menu, SuperCard DSONE EOS, SuperCard DSTWO EOS, Wood R4, Wood RPG, YSMenu.
HomebrewNitro Hax (3DS/DSi) (Usrcheat Edition), TWiLight Menu++ (3DS/DSi).
EmulatorDeSmuMe, DraStic.

All databases are compatible with WFCReplay cheats.

All databases are compatible with Anti-Piracy Bypass cheats.

Setup guides

Cheat Devices
Action Replay DScheats.xmlDrag and drop cheats.xml into the cheat list pane using the PC software.
Action Replay DSicheats.xmlDrag and drop cheats.xml into the cheat list pane using the PC software.
AceKard 2 Menucheat.datSD:/__ak2/cheats/cheat.dat
CycloDS Menuuser.evoCheatsSD:/CycloDS/user.evoCheats
DSTT Menuusrcheat.datSD:/TTMenu/usrcheat.dat
EDGE Menucheats.datSD:/EDGE/cheats.dat
EZ-Flash V Menuusrcheat.datSD:/EZ5Shell/usrcheat.dat
EZ-Flash V Menu (Original)ezarcode.datSD:/CHT/ezarcode.dat
EZ-Flash Vi Menuusrcheat.datSD:/EZ5Shell/usrcheat.dat
M3 Menucheat.datSD:/_system_/cheat.dat
M3 Sakuracheat.dbSD:/SYSTEM/cheat.db
R4 Menucheat.datSD:/_system_/cheat.dat
R4i Menuusrcheat.datSD:/R4iMenu/usrcheat.dat
SuperCard DSONE EOSusrcheat.datSD:/_dsone/usrcheat.dat
SuperCard DSONE OSSCC CheatsSD:/scshell/cheat/SCC Cheats
SuperCard DSTWO EOSusrcheat.datSD:/_dstwo/usrcheat.dat
Wood R4usrcheat.datSD:/__rpg/cheats/usrcheat.dat
Wood RPGusrcheat.datSD:/__rpg/cheats/usrcheat.dat
Homebrew software
Nitro Hax (3DS)cheats.xmlSD:/cheats.xml
Nitro Hax (3DS/DSi) (Usrcheat Edition)usrcheat.datSD:/usrcheat.dat
Nitro Hax (DSi/NDS)cheats.xmlSD:/cheats.xml
TWiLight Menu++ (3DS/DSi)usrcheat.datSD:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras/usrcheat.dat

For DeSmuME, you will need to change you path settings depending on the database you utilize.


SuperCard DSONE/DSONEi/DSTWO/DSTWO+ Users - Due to how the SuperCard DSONE/DSONEi/DSTWO/DSTWO+ cheat engine works within the kernel, there are no button configurations to view any cheat descriptions, which means instructions on how to utilize said cheats will not be viewable on these flash cartridges without using an alternative kernel or homebrew application.

Stargate 3DS Users - This flash cartridge utilizes a modified build of the Wood R4 kernel for DS Mode related content. The developers made changes to this version of the kernel that resulted in a broken cheat engine, which means currently it is not possible to utilize cheat codes using this flash cartridge in DS Mode.



This is a smaller update that contains more of what was meant to be in the last database update, with some new additions and some updates to some of the title entries as well.

Notes: Cheat codes exclusive to Nintendo DSi related titles will NOT work for Nintendo DS flash cartridges given the technology and kernel(s) used are designed to be used in DS Mode. These cheats will only be usable in DSi Mode related environments such as TWiLightMenu for the Nintendo DSi, 2DS, and 3DS family or a compatible emulator of your choice.

  • Added and or updated the Anti-Piracy Bypass codes for numerous titles. This should help those running into potential problems depending on what you use to run certain titles.
  • Rebuilt and or overhauled entire cheat lists for some titles. This includes entirely new cheats, a new and improved list, and or potential improvements to existing cheats.
  • Made various optimizations throughout the database(s) to help reduce clutter and load times.
  • Added and or updated cheats for various titles.
    • Key:
    • [+] New cheat codes.
    • [-] Removed cheat codes.
    • [~] Rebuilt, improved, and or added new cheat codes.
    • [*] Created brand new cheats for games that weren't in the database before.
▼ Nintendo DS

* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Russian Translation (v1.0) (COREline, Owls Group))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Japan)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Hotel Dusk - Room 215 (USA)
+ Hotel Duskui Bimil (Korea)
* Jump Ultimate Stars (Japan) (Jump Ultimate Stars - English Translation (20080503) (JUS Translation))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060801)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond - English Translation (v1.0) (Unknown))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Boy (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Girl (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (30 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (60 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Revelation (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - Absolute SoulSilver - The End (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
* Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea) (Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina - Restored Veilstone Game Corner (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Classic Mode (20230830))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version 2 - Paradigm Shift (v1.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black Version 2 (Beta v4.2.3))
+ Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - DarkDiamond Version (Beta v2.1))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Diamante - Desafio Sinnoh (20190531))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Luna Diamante (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol y Luna Diamante (20170326))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - La Leyenda Oscura (Beta v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Negra Absoluto 2 (20161130))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (English))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (Spanish))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol Perla (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver - Fusion 2 (20200816))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino - Fusion (20190615))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (Germany)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - DarkViolet Version (Alpha 20110212))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - FireRed DS Version (v1.5))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Garbage Gold Version (v1.3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Challenge))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Normal))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartRed Version (v0.4.7.6))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Legacy - Sevii Islands (Demo v1.2))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - MythicSilver Version (Alpha v1.2.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Heart Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - PureCrystal Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Red Reloaded Version (Alpha v0.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold (v3.2.1))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold Overhaul (v3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SunGold Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon Rebooted - Soaring Gold Version (Beta v5.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl Version (v1.2))
+ Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version - Redux (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version (20111223))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Normal/Inverse Normal Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Fairy Type Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Spanish Translation (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum Version (v1.5.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum Version (20090926) (Original/Challenger's Edition)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version - Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Pro (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Professional Platinum Version (v3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Redemption Version (v2.5.0) (Original/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum Version (v2.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Solar Platinum Version (v1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version - Redux (v1.7.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version (v1.6))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner - Platinum Version - Trade Edition (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Altered Platinum (r1.0.4))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Refined Platinum Version (v4.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Original/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - RePlatinum Version (v1.2.1))
+ Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver (Germany)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.3.2))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - MoonSilver Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Soul Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Blue Version (20170610))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.18))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Rebalanced Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - VGMoose's Rocket Uniform (v0.9))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (Beta v10) (RyouChan))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Super Hard SoulSilver Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Unova SoulSilver Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version - English Translation (v3.0.2 Patch v6) (rodygo))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon Rebooted - Diving Silver Version (Beta v4.0.0))
+ Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Or HeartGold (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
+ Pokemon - Versione Argento SoulSilver (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Oro HeartGold (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Vintage White Version (20230727))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Spirit (v1.01))
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1) (Tomodachi Collection - English Translation (v0.80) (jjjewel))
+ Tozasareta Byoutou - Dementium II (Japan)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Italy)
* Transformers - Autobots (Italy) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Spain)
* Transformers - Autobots (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (France)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Germany)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Italy)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Spain)
* Transformers - Decepticons (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Wish Room - Tenshi no Kioku (Japan)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Korea)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Japan)

▼ Nintendo DSi

+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (Europe, Australia)
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA)
* Lost Town, The - The Dust (USA)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan) (Beta) (20110915)


  • This update took a while to work on, however I hope what this offers makes up for the long wait time! Due to the amount of changes made to the database list, not all changes, additions, etc. are posted in the changelog. There was meant to be more for this update as well but I ended up splitting the load so the wait time wasn't longer, the other half will of course come in a future update.
  • For the Pokemon fans out there, I fixed up most of the important codes for the fifth generation Pokemon titles, this means you can utilize some of the cheats in both DS mode and DSi mode. These titles need a lot more work however, and considering not all codes are DSi mode compatible yet, those that haven't been fixed yet will still require that you play the titles in DS mode. The good news is you won't have to keep mode switching since the new fixed codes are backwards compatible with DS mode. The rest of the lists will be fixed in a future update.
  • Notes: Cheat codes exclusive to Nintendo DSi related titles will NOT work for Nintendo DS flash cartridges given the technology and kernel(s) used are designed to be used in DS Mode. These cheats will only be usable in DSi Mode related environments such as TWiLightMenu for the Nintendo DSi, 2DS, and 3DS family or a compatible emulator of your choice.
  • Added and or updated the Anti-Piracy Bypass codes for numerous titles.
    • This should help those running into potential problems depending on what you use to run certain titles.
  • Rebuilt and or overhauled entire cheat lists for some titles.
    • This includes entirely new cheats, a new and improved list, and or potential improvements to existing cheats.
  • Made various optimizations throughout the database(s) to help reduce clutter and load times.
  • Added and or updated cheats for various titles.
    • Key:
    • [+] - New cheat codes.
    • [-] - Removed cheat codes.
    • [~] - Rebuilt, improved, and or added new cheat codes.
    • [*] - Created brand new cheats for games that weren't in the database before.
▼ Nintendo DS

* Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth (Europe) (Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth - Italian Translation (20151219) (AAIMEITA))
+ Adventure Time - Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage!! (USA)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Sougetsu no Juujika (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Sougetsu no Juujika (Japan) (Rev 1) (Castlevania - Kind Moon Revision (v1.0))
+ Akumajou Dracula - Ubawareta Kokuin (Japan)
+ Asphalt - Urban GT 2 (USA)
* Avalon Code (Europe) (Avalon Code - Italian Translation (v1.0) (klonoa741))
+ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers - Battle Trainer (Europe)
+ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers - Battle Trainer (USA)
~ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers (Europe) (Toys'R'Us)
~ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers (USA) (Toys'R'Us Edition!)
+ Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (Europe)
+ Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (USA)
+ Ben 10 - Alien Force (Europe)
+ Ben 10 - Alien Force (USA)
+ Ben 10 - Alien Force (USA) (Rev 1)
* Ben 10 - Galactic Racing (Europe)
* Ben 10 - Galactic Racing (USA)
+ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (Europe) (AWOP)
+ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (Europe) (AWOX)
+ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (USA)
+ Ben 10 - Triple Pack (Europe)
+ Ben 10 - Triple Pack (USA)
* Black Sigil - Blade of the Exiled (USA) (Black Sigil - Blade of the Exiled - Italian Translation (v0.99) (Locke))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA)
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Among Us - Sus of Sorrow (v2.0))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Aotsuki no Partita (v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of DIO (v2.0 Test Build #2))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Dissonance (v1.0.5) (Original/Belnades Blood Edition/Level 1 Mode))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Definitive Edition (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Definitive Edition+ (v2.3) (Full/Lite) (Dawn of Dignity Art/Original Art)
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Definitive Edition+ (v2.3) (Full/Lite) (Definitive Mode) (Dawn of Dignity Art/Original Art)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Team CV3 Hack (v1.2))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Trainer (+4) (Venom))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Eternity of Sorrow (Demo v1.0))
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Contravania - Dawn of Sorrow (v1.0) (Easy/Hard Mode)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Korea)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA)
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Bill Rizer))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Brad Fang))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Genbei Jaguar Yagyu))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Newt Plissken))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Probotector))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Richter Belmont))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Sans))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Contravania - Ecclesia Edition+ (v1.2.0) (Soma Cruz))
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Latin Fix (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Playable Dmitrii Blinov (v1.0.0))
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Undub (v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA)
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Circle of the Realm (v1.0.0))
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Decay (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Progenitors (v2.4.0) (Normal/Nest of Evil - Reincarnated Soul Theme))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Refined Edition (v0.9.1.4))
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin x Legacy of Darkness (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Rondo of Ruin (v1.1.0) (Rondo of Blood Richter))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Rondo of Ruin (v1.1.0) (Symphony of the Night Tailcoat Richter))
~ Conveni DS, The - Otona no Keieiryoku Training (Japan)
~ Cookie & Cream (Europe)
~ Cookie & Cream (USA)
~ Cookie Shop - Create Your Dream Shop (Europe)
~ Crash - Mind over Mutant (Europe)
~ Crash - Mind over Mutant (USA)
~ Crash Bandicoot Festival (Japan)
~ Crash Boom Bang! (USA)
~ Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu Nendororoon Daihenshin! (Japan)
~ Crazy Chicken - Star Karts (USA)
~ Crazy Pig (Europe)
~ Crazy School Games (Europe)
~ Crime Scene (Europe)
~ Crime Scene (USA)
~ Croket! DS - Tenkuu no Yuusha-tachi (Japan)
~ Cross Treasures (Japan)
~ Crystal Mines (Europe)
~ Custom Battler Bomber Man (Japan)
~ Custom Robo Arena (Europe)
~ Custom Robo Arena (USA)
~ Daring Game for Girls, The (USA)
~ Dawn of Heroes (USA)
~ de Blob 2 (Europe)
~ de Blob 2 (USA)
~ Dead'n'Furious (Europe)
~ Deal or No Deal (Netherlands)
~ Deal or No Deal (USA)
* Death Note - Kira Game (Japan)
* Death Note - Kira Game (Japan) (Death Note - Kira Game - English Translation (v1.2) (Anime Game Translations Team))
~ Deca Sporta - DS de Sports '10' Shumoku! (Japan)
~ Deep Sea Aquarium by DS (Europe)
~ Deer Drive (USA)
~ Defendin' DePenguin (USA)
~ Dekita yo! Mama. - Mitsugo no Kuma-san - Onnanoko (Japan)
~ Dekita yo! Mama. - Wannyan Club - Otokonoko (Japan)
~ Deltora Quest - Nanatsu no Houseki (Japan)
~ Dementium - The Ward (Europe)
~ Dementium - The Ward (USA)
~ Dementium II (Europe)
~ Dementium II (USA)
~ Dementium II (USA) (Dementium II - Trainer (+3) (Venom))
~ Dengeki Gakuen RPG - Cross of Venus (Japan)
~ Dengeki Gakuen RPG - Cross of Venus Special (Japan)
~ Der Schatz der Delfine (Europe)
~ Destiny Links (Japan)
~ Devil Survivor 2 (Japan)
~ Devilish - Ball Bounder (Japan)
~ Devilish (Europe)
~ Diabolik - The Original Sin (Europe)
~ Diamond Trust of London (USA)
~ Die Gilde DS (Europe)
~ Die Simpsons - Das Spiel (Germany)
~ Dig Dug - Digging Strike (Japan)
~ Di-Gata Defenders (Europe)
* Digimon Story - Lost Evolution (Japan) (Digimon Story - Lost Evolution - English Translation (v1.1) (Operation Decoded))
~ Digimon Story - Moonlight (Japan)
~ Digimon Story - Sunburst (Japan)
~ Digimon Story - Super Xros Wars - Blue (Japan)
~ Digimon Story - Super Xros Wars - Red (Japan)
~ Digimon Story (Japan)
~ Digimon Story (Japan) (Rev 1)
~ Digimon World - Dawn (USA)
~ Digimon World - Dusk (USA)
~ Digimon World Championship (USA)
~ Digimon World DS (USA)
* Digimon World DS (USA) (Digimon World DS - Italian Translation (v1.3) (Locke))
~ Diner Dash - Sizzle & Serve (USA)
~ Diner Dash (Europe)
~ Dino King Battle - Taiko kara no Hyouryuusha (Japan)
~ Dino Master - Dig, Discover, Duel (USA)
~ Dino Pets - The Virtual Pet Game (USA)
~ Dinosaur King (Europe)
~ Dinosaur King (USA)
~ Disgaea DS (Europe)
~ Disgaea DS (USA)
* Disgaea DS (USA) (Disgaea DS - Italian Translation (v1.0) (LinkzeroR2))
~ Disgaea DS (USA) (Disgaea DS - Undub (v1.0))
~ Disney Frozen - Olaf's Quest (USA)
~ Diva Girls - Diva Dancers (Europe)
~ Diva Girls - Divas on Ice (USA)
~ Diva Girls - Making the Music (Europe)
~ DJ Star (Europe)
~ DK - Jungle Climber (USA)
~ Doctor Who - Evacuation Earth (Europe)
~ Dodge Racing - Charger vs Challenger (USA)
~ Dokapon Journey (USA)
~ Dokapon Journey! - Nakayoku Kenka Shite (Japan)
~ Doki Majo Plus (Japan)
~ Dolphin Island (Europe)
~ Dolphin Trainer (Europe)
~ Don Bluth Presents - Dragon's Lair (USA)
~ Doodle Hex (Europe)
~ Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids (Europe)
~ Doraemon - Nobita no Kyouryuu 2006 DS (Japan)
~ Double Pack - Cradle of Rome + Cradle of Egypt (Europe)
~ Dr Kawashima's Brain Training - How Old Is Your Brain (Europe)
~ Dr. Seuss - How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (USA)
~ Dr. Slump Arale-chan (Japan)
~ Draglade (Europe)
~ Draglade (USA)
~ Dragon Ball - Origins (Europe)
~ Dragon Ball - Origins 2 (Europe)
~ Dragon Ball - Origins 2 (USA)
~ Dragon Ball DS 2 - Totsugeki! Red Ribbon Gun (Japan)
~ Dragon Ball Kai - Saiyajin Raishuu (Japan)
~ Dragon Ball Kai - Ultimate Butou Den (Japan)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Attack of the Saiyans (Europe)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Attack of the Saiyans (USA)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Bukuu Ressen (Japan)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Harukanaru Densetsu (USA)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors 2 (Europe)
~ Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors 2 (USA)
~ Dragon Booster (Europe)
~ Dragon Booster (USA)
~ Dragon Dance (Japan)
~ Dragon Hunters (Europe)
~ Dragon Quest - The Chapters of the Chosen (Europe)
~ Dragon Quest - The Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Europe)
* Dragon Quest Heroes - Rocket Slime (USA) (Dragon Quest Heroes - Rocket Slime - Italian Translation (v1.0) (Locke))
~ Dragon Quest IV - Chapters of the Chosen (USA)
* Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono-tachi (Japan) (Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono-tachi - English Translation (v1.0) (spiderfreak1011))
~ Dragon Quest IX - Hoshizora no Mamoribito (Japan)
~ Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Europe)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker (Europe)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker (USA)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 - Professional (Japan)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (Europe)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (Japan)
~ Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (USA)
~ Dragon Quest V - Hand of the Heavenly Bride (USA)
~ Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan)
~ Dragon Quest VI - Maboroshi no Daichi (Japan)
~ Dragon Quest VI - Realms of Revelation (USA)
~ Dragon Quest VI - Realms of Reverie (Europe)
~ Dragon Tamer - Sound Spirit (Japan)
~ Dragonology (Europe)
~ Dragonology (USA)
~ Drama Queens (Europe)
~ Dream Pinball 3D (Europe)
~ Dream Pinball 3D (USA)
~ DreamWorks 2-in-1 Party Pack (USA)
~ Drone Tactics (USA)
~ Ducati Moto (Europe)
~ Dungeon Explorer - Warriors of Ancient Arts (USA)
~ Dungeon Explorer (Europe)
~ Dynasty Warriors DS - Fighter's Battle (Europe)
~ EA Playground (USA)
~ Egg Monster Hero (Japan)
~ Eiyuu Senki - Laevatein (Japan)
~ Elite Beat Agents (Europe)
~ Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry (Europe)
~ Etrian Odyssey (Europe)
~ Etrian Odyssey (USA)
~ Etrian Odyssey II - Heroes of Lagaard (USA)
* FabStyle (Japan) (FabStyle - English Translation (v2.0) (RocketRobz))
~ Farm Life - Manage Your Own Farm (Europe)
~ Fast Food Panic (USA)
~ Feji (Russia)
~ Fighting Fantasy - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (USA)
~ Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (Europe)
~ Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (Europe) (Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light - Italian Translation (v1.0) (Random Stones))
~ Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (USA)
~ Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (USA) (Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light - Italian Translation (v1.0) (Random Stones))
* Final Fantasy III (USA) (Final Fantasy III - Russian Translation (v1.0) (Kareg))
~ Final Fantasy IV (Europe)
~ Final Fantasy IV (Japan)
~ Final Fantasy IV (USA)
* Final Fantasy IV (USA) (Final Fantasy IV - Russian Translation (v1.02) (Owls Group))
* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
~ Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Fuuketsu no Grimoire (Japan)
~ Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Grimoire of the Rift (Europe)
~ Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Grimoire of the Rift (USA)
* Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo - Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu (Japan) (Rev 1) (Fire Emblem - New Mystery of the Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow - English Translation (v3.01 Beta v2.1) (The Heroes of Shadow, js394))
~ Fit for Fun - Der Interaktive Ernaehrungscoach (Germany)
~ Flaaklypa Grand Prix (Europe)
~ Florist Shop (Germany)
~ Flushed Away (USA)
~ Foot 2 Rue - Nicolas Anelka (Europe)
* Fossil Fighters (USA) (Fossil Fighters - Unused Moves Restoration (v1.0))
* Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) (Fossil Fighters Champions - Multiple Special Vivosaurs (v1.00) (Debug))
* Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) (Fossil Fighters Champions - Multiple Special Vivosaurs (v1.00))
* Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) (Fossil Fighters Champions - Sensible FP Recharge (v1.0))
~ Freedom Wings (USA)
~ From the Abyss (Japan)
~ From the Abyss (USA)
~ Fuuun! Dairoujou (Japan)
~ G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra (USA)
~ Galactic Taz Ball (Europe)
~ Galactic Taz Ball (USA)
~ Game Center CX - Arino no Chousenjou (Japan)
~ Gamebook DS - Sword World 2.0 (Japan)
~ Gardening Mama (Europe)
~ Gardening Mama (USA)
~ Garfield's Nightmare (Europe)
~ Garfield's Nightmare (USA)
~ Gem Quest - 4 Elements (USA)
~ Generator Rex - Agent of Providence (Europe)
~ Generator Rex - Agent of Providence (USA)
~ Gensou Suikoden - Tierkreis (Japan)
~ Geometry Wars - Galaxies (Europe)
~ Geometry Wars - Galaxies (USA)
~ G-Force (Europe) (CFAP)
~ G-Force (Europe) (CFAX)
~ G-Force (Europe) (CFAY)
~ G-Force (USA)
~ Ginga Tetsudou 999 DS (Japan)
~ Gintama - Gintama Quest - Gin-san ga Tenshoku shitari Sekai o Sukuttari (Japan)
~ Glory of Heracles (USA)
~ Golgo 13 - File G13 o Oe (Japan)
~ Gormiti - The Lords of Nature! (Europe)
~ Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (Europe)
~ Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (USA)
~ Grid (USA)
~ Guruguru Nagetto (Japan)
~ Hamsterz 2 (Europe) (Rev 1)
+ Hot Wheels - Beat That! (Europe) (YHWP)
+ Hot Wheels - Beat That! (Europe) (YHWX)
+ Hot Wheels - Beat That! (USA)
* Jump Ultimate Stars (Japan) (Jump Ultimate Stars - Italian Translation (v2.0) (LinkzeroR2))
~ Kaijuu Busters (Japan)
* Legend of Zelda, The - Phantom Hourglass (USA) (Legend of Zelda, The - Phantom Hourglass - Russian Translation (v1.2) (Anton))
* Legend of Zelda, The - Spirit Tracks (USA) (Legend of Zelda, The - Spirit Tracks - Russian Translation (v1.1) (apollo90, kvark))
* Lufia - Curse of the Sinistrals (USA) (Lufia - Curse of the Sinistrals - Italian Translation (v1.0) (Random Stones))
+ Magical Starsign (Europe)
* Mario Kart DS (Europe) (CTGP Nitro (v1.0.0))
* Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Mario Kart Zero (v1.3))
* Mario Kart DS (USA) (CTGP Nitro (v1.0.0))
* Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart Zero (v1.3))
+ Mario Party DS (Europe)
* Mario Party DS (Europe) (Rev 1)
+ Mario Party DS (Japan)
+ Mario Party DS (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Mario Party DS (Japan) (Rev 2)
+ Mario Party DS (Korea)
+ Mario Party DS (USA)
+ Mario Party DS (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Mario Party DS (USA) (Rev 2)
~ Medarot DS - Kabuto Ver. (Japan)
~ Medarot DS - Kabuto Ver. (Japan) (Rev 1)
~ Medarot DS - Kuwagata Ver. (Japan)
~ Medarot DS - Kuwagata Ver. (Japan) (Rev 1)
* Mega Man Star Force 3 - Black Ace (USA) (Mega Man Star Force 3 - Black Ace - Italian Translation (v02) (Locke))
* Mega Man Star Force 3 - Red Joker (USA) (Mega Man Star Force 3 - Red Joker - Italian Translation (v02) (Locke))
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters - First Hunt (Europe) (Demo)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters - First Hunt (USA, Australia) (Demo)
* Monster Tale (USA) (Monster Tale - Italian Translation (v1.1) (Simone David Alemanno))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - Adventure (v1.0) (Exploratory))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - Adventure (v1.0) (Normal))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - Alpha Replica (v3.0))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. U DS (Demo v1.09))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (v1.16))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Super Mario - Castle 2 (v1.5.2))
* Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi (Japan) (Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi - Russian Translation (v5.2b) (Dmitry Ivanov))
* Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi (Japan) (Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi - Spanish Translation (v2.0) (GradienWords))
* Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (USA) (Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors - Italian Translation (v1.3) (All-Ice Team))
* Nora to Toki no Koubou - Kiri no Mori no Majo (Japan) (Nora and the Time Studio - The Witch of the Misty Forest - English Translation (v0.3d-1) (Darukeru))
* Nostalgia (USA) (Nostalgia - Italian Translation (v1.0) (klonoa741))
~ Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! - Happy Rich Oosouji! (Japan)
* Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! - Happy Rich Oosouji! (Japan) (Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! - Happy Rich Oosouji! - English Translation (v1.1) (cjuub))
* One Piece - Gigant Battle! (Europe) (One Piece - Gigant Battle! - Italian Translation (v2.0) (MxOP_DS))
* One Piece Gigant Battle 2 - Shin Sekai (Japan) (One Piece Gigant Battle 2 - Shin Sekai - Italian Translation (Unknown Version) (MxOP_DS))
* Ookami to Koushinryou - Umi o Wataru Kaze (Japan) (Ookami to Koushinryou - Umi o Wataru Kaze - English Translation (v1.0) (Anime Game Translations Team))
* Ore ga Omae o Mamoru (Japan) (Ore ga Omae o Mamoru - English Translation (v1.2) (Phantom))
+ Pocket Monsters - Black (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Black (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Black 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Pocket Monsters - Black 2 (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807) (Ganix)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807) (Ganix) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond - English Translation (v1.0) (Unknown))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
~ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan)
* Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Boy (v1.0))
~ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Girl (v1.0))
* Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (30 FPS))
* Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (60 FPS))
~ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Revelation (v1.0))
~ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
~ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan)
~ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - Absolute SoulSilver - The End (v1.0))
~ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - White (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - White (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - White 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Pocket Monsters - White 2 (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
+ Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe)
+ Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version (v3.2) (Clean))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version (v3.2) (Full))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Dauntless Black Version (v2.0))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Pitch Black Version (v1.3))
+ Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Vicious Black Version (20200220))
+ Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version (v3.2))
+ Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe)
+ Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version 2 - 251 Edition (v2.1))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete/Vanilla))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.0) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black Version 2 (Beta v4.2.2))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Primeval Black Version 2 (Beta Phase 2 v26))
+ Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version 2 (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - DarkDiamond Version (Beta v2.1))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version + Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Blanca (Spain)
* Pokemon - Edicion Blanca (Spain) (Pokemon - Special Adventures Edition (v1.3))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Blanca 2 (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Diamante - Desafio Sinnoh (20190531))
* Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Luna Diamante (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol y Luna Diamante (20170326))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - La Leyenda Oscura (Beta v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Negra (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Delta (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (English))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (Spanish))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
* Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol Perla (20161113))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver - Fusion 2 (20200816))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
* Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino - Fusion (20190615))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum Version (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (Germany)
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA)
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - DarkViolet Version (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - FireRed DS Version (v1.5))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Challenge))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Normal))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartRed Version (v0.4.7.6))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Legacy - Sevii Islands (Demo v1.2))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Heart Version (20111130))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - PureCrystal Version (v1.1))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Red Reloaded Version (Alpha v0.1))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold Version (v3.2.1))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold Overhaul Version (v1.1))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4.2))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SunGold Version (20160416))
~ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon Rebooted - Soaring Gold Version (Beta v5.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl Version (v1.2))
+ Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version - Redux (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version (20111223))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Normal/Inverse Normal Mode))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Fairy Type Version (v1.1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Spanish Translation (v1.1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version (v1.1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.2.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum Version (v1.5.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum Version (20090926) (Original/Challenger's Edition)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version - Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Pro (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum Version (Beta v1.1))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Professional Platinum Version (v3.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum Version (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner - Platinum Version - Trade Edition (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Altered Platinum (r1.0.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum Version (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Refined Platinum Version (v4.3.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Original/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - RePlatinum Version (v1.2.1))
+ Pokemon - Schwarze Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Schwarze Edition 2 (Germany)
~ Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver (Germany)
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.3.1))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA)
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - MoonSilver Version (20160416))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Soul Version (20111130))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Blue Version (20170610))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.17))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Rebalanced Version (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (Beta v10) (RyouChan))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Super Hard SoulSilver Version (Beta v1.1))
~ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Unova SoulSilver Version (Alpha v1.1))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - VGMoose's Rocket Uniform (v0.9))
~ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France)
~ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version - English Translation (v3.0.2 Patch v6) (rodygo))
~ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2))
~ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon Rebooted - Diving Silver Version (Beta v4.0.0))
+ Pokemon - Version Blanche (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Blanche 2 (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Noire (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Noire 2 (France)
~ Pokemon - Version Or HeartGold (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
~ Pokemon - Versione Argento SoulSilver (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Bianca (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Bianca 2 (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Nera (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Nera 2 (Italy)
~ Pokemon - Versione Oro HeartGold (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Weisse Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Weisse Edition 2 (Germany)
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe)
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Omega Paradox Version (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Versione Puro Diamante (Demo v3.0))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Vintage White Version (20230421))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version (v3.2) (Clean))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version (v3.2) (Full))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Pure White Version (v1.3))
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - White Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - White Version Deluxe (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version (v3.2))
+ Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe)
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - ReWhite Version 2 (v1.0.2))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete/Vanilla))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.0) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
+ Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version 2 (v1.1))
* Pokemon Conquest (USA, Australia) (Pokemon Conquest Imperial (v1.0))
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky - Gengar (v1.0))
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky - Russian Translation (v1.0) (Pojirianets))
+ Puyo Pop Fever (USA)
* Puyo Puyo!! - Puyopuyo 20th Anniversary (Japan) (Puyo Puyo!! - Puyopuyo 20th Anniversary - English Translation (v1.2) (Precise Museum))
* Radiant Historia (USA) (Radiant Historia - Italian Translation (v1.0) (Locke))
* SaGa 3 - Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light (Japan) (SaGa 3 - Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light - English Translation (v2.0.830) (Cain))
* Sands of Destruction (USA) (Sands of Destruction - Italian Translation (v1.1) (Locke))
+ Sega Superstars Tennis (USA)
* Soma Bringer (Japan) (Soma Bringer - English Translation (20090202) (DarthNemesis))
* Soma Bringer (Japan) (Soma Bringer - Italian Translation (Beta v1.0) (Locke))
+ Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood (Europe)
+ Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood (USA)
+ Sonic Chronicles - Yami Jigen kara no Shinryakusha (Japan)
* Soul Eater - Medusa no Inbou (Japan) (Soul Eater - Medusa no Inbou - English Translation (v1.2) (Anime Game Translations Team))
* Suzumiya Haruhi no Chokuretsu (Japan) (Suzumiya Haruhi no Chokuretsu - English Translation (v0.2) (Haroohie Translation Club))
* Tales of Hearts - Anime Movie Edition (Japan) (Tales of Hearts - Anime Movie Edition - English Translation (v1.0) (Kajitani-Eizan))
* Tenchu - Dark Secret (Europe) (ACUX) (Tenchu - Dark Secret - Undub (v1.0))
* Tenchu - Dark Secret (Europe) (ACUY) (Tenchu - Dark Secret - Undub (v1.0))
* Tenchu - Dark Secret (USA) (Tenchu - Dark Secret - Undub (v1.0))
* Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1) (Tomodachi Collection - English Translation (v0.80) (jjjewel))
+ Transformers - Autobots (Europe) (Rev 1)
+ Transformers - Autobots (Germany)
+ Transformers - Autobots (Germany) (Rev 1)
+ Transformers - Autobots (Italy)
+ Transformers - Autobots (Spain)
+ Transformers - Autobots (USA)
+ Transformers - Autobots (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe) (Rev 1)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (Germany)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (Italy)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (Spain)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (USA)
+ Transformers - Decepticons (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (Europe) (CXRP)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (Europe) (CXRX)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (USA)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (Europe) (CXOP)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (Europe) (CXOX)
~ Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (USA)
~ Vampire Knight DS (Japan)
~ Vampire Knight DS (Japan) (Vampire Knight DS - English Translation (v1.0) (Anime Game Translations Team))
* Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World (Europe) (Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World - Singleplayer Nookington's (v1.1.1))
* Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World (USA) (Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World - Singleplayer Nookington's (v1.1.1))
* Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World (USA) (Rev 1) (Welcome to Animal Crossing - Wild World - Singleplayer Nookington's (v1.1.1))
* Wizard of Oz, The - Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (USA) (Wizard of Oz, The - Beyond the Yellow Brick Road - Italian Translation (v1.0) (klonoa741))
~ Zoids Saga DS - Legend of Arcadia (Japan)
* Zoids Saga DS - Legend of Arcadia (Japan) (Zoids Saga DS - Legend of Arcadia - English Translation (v1.0.3) (Traceytrace))

▼ Nintendo DSi

* Crystal Monsters (Europe, Australia)
* Crystal Monsters (USA)
* Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (Europe, Australia)
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA)
* Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Mini Mini Sai Koushin! (Japan)
* Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Minis March Again! (Europe, Australia)
* Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Minis March Again! (USA)
* Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Minis March Again! (USA) (Rev 1)
* Plants vs. Zombies (Europe, Australia)
* Plants vs. Zombies (USA)
+ Shantae - Risky's Revenge (USA)
* Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan)
* Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan) (Beta) (20110915)


  • The world's first ever cheat database that contains brand new cheat codes for Nintendo DSi exclusive titles. You will now be able to use cheat codes for both the regular and DSiWare related titles the same way you can with Nintendo DS titles. Currently the list is work in progress, because of this the list of games and the cheats that can be used will be relatively small until further update.
  • Notes: Cheat codes exclusive to Nintendo DSi related titles will NOT work for Nintendo DS flash cartridges given the technology and kernel(s) used are designed to be used in DS Mode. These cheats will only be usable in DSi Mode related environments such as TWiLightMenu for the Nintendo DSi, 2DS, and 3DS family or a compatible emulator of your choice.
  • Added and or updated the Anti-Piracy Bypass codes for numerous titles. This should help those running into potential problems depending on what you use to run certain titles.
  • Rebuilt and or overhauled entire cheat lists for some titles. This includes entirely new cheats, a new and improved list, and or potential improvements to existing cheats.
  • Added and or updated cheats for various titles.
    • Key:
    • [+] New cheat codes.
    • [-] Removed cheat codes.
    • [~] Rebuilt, improved, and or added new cheat codes.
    • [*] Created brand new cheats for games that weren't in the database before.
▼ Nintendo DS

~ A Witch's Tale (USA)
~ Ab durch die Hecke (Germany)
~ Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth (Europe)
~ Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth (USA)
~ Actionloop (Europe)
~ Addy - Do You Speak English (Europe)
~ Advance Wars - Dark Conflict (Europe)
~ Advance Wars - Days of Ruin (USA)
~ Advance Wars - Dual Strike (Europe)
~ Advance Wars - Dual Strike (USA)
~ Adventure Time - Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage!! (USA)
~ AFL Mascot Manor (Australia)
~ Again - FBI Chou Shinri Sousakan (Japan)
~ Again - Interactive Crime Novel (USA)
~ Age of Empires - Mythologies (Europe)
~ Age of Empires - Mythologies (USA)
~ Age of Empires - The Age of Kings (Europe)
~ Age of Empires - The Age of Kings (USA)
~ Air Traffic Chaos (USA)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Akumajou Dracula - Sougetsu no Juujika (Japan) (Rev 1)
* Akumajou Dracula - Sougetsu no Juujika (Japan) (Rev 1) (Castlevania - Kind Moon Revision (v1.0))
+ Akumajou Dracula - Ubawareta Kokuin (Japan)
~ B Team - Metal Cartoon Squad (Europe)
~ Backgammon (Germany)
~ Backyard Baseball '09 (USA)
~ Backyard Baseball '10 (USA)
~ Backyard Sports - Sandlot Sluggers (USA)
~ Bae Yong-Joon to Manabu Kankokugo DS (Japan)
+ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers - Battle Trainer (Europe)
+ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers - Battle Trainer (USA)
~ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers (Europe)
~ Bakugan - Battle Brawlers (USA)
~ Bakugan - Defenders of the Core (Europe)
~ Bakugan - Defenders of the Core (Japan)
~ Bakugan - Defenders of the Core (USA)
~ Bakugan - Rise of the Resistance (Europe)
~ Bakugan - Rise of the Resistance (USA)
~ Balloon Pop (USA)
~ Band Hero (Europe)
~ Band Hero (USA)
~ Bangai-O Spirits (Europe)
~ Bangai-O Spirits (Japan)
~ Bangai-O Spirits (USA)
~ Barbie and the Three Musketeers (Europe) (BB3P)
~ Barbie and the Three Musketeers (Europe) (BB3X)
~ Barbie and the Three Musketeers (Europe) (BB3Y)
~ Barbie and the Three Musketeers (USA)
~ Barbie Fashion Show - An Eye for Style (Europe)
~ Barnyard Blast - Swine of the Night (Europe)
~ Barnyard Blast - Swine of the Night (USA)
~ Bartender DS (Japan)
~ Batman - The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame (Europe)
~ Batman - The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame (USA)
~ Battle of Giants - Dragons (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Battle Spirits Digital Starter (Japan)
~ Bee Movie Game (Europe)
~ Bee Movie Game (France)
~ Bee Movie Game (Germany)
~ Bee Movie Game (Italy)
~ Bee Movie Game (Netherlands)
~ Bee Movie Game (Spain)
~ Bee Movie Game (USA)
~ Bejeweled 3 (Europe)
~ Bejeweled 3 (USA)
~ Bejeweled Twist (USA)
~ Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (Europe)
~ Ben 10 - Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (USA)
~ Ben 10 - Alien Force (Europe)
* Ben 10 - Alien Force (USA)
~ Ben 10 - Alien Force (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (Europe) (AWOP)
~ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (Europe) (AWOX)
~ Ben 10 - Protector of Earth (USA)
~ Ben 10 - Triple Pack (Europe)
~ Ben 10 - Triple Pack (USA)
~ Bermuda Triangle (Europe)
~ Best of Arcade Games DS (Europe)
~ Bibi & Tina - Jump & Ride (Germany)
~ Bibi Blocksberg - Das Gestohlene Hexbuch (Germany)
~ Bibi Blocksberg - Der Verhexte Schloss-Schatz (Germany)
~ Big Bang Mini (Europe)
~ Big Bang Mini (USA)
~ Big Brain Academy (Europe)
~ Big Brain Academy (USA)
~ Big Deal, The (Europe)
~ Big League Sports - Summer (USA)
~ Big Mutha Truckers (Europe)
~ Big Mutha Truckers (USA)
~ Big Time Rush - Backstage Pass (USA)
~ Biker Mice from Mars (Europe)
~ Biker Mice from Mars (USA)
~ Billiard Action (Europe)
~ Biohazard - Deadly Silence (Japan)
+ Burnout Legends (USA)
~ Bust-A-Move DS (Europe)
~ Bust-A-Move DS (USA)
~ Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 (USA)
~ Cahier de Vacances pour Adultes 2 (France)
~ Cake Mania - Main Street (USA)
~ Cake Mania 2 - Jill's Next Adventure! (USA)
~ Cake Mania 3 (USA)
~ Call of Atlantis (Europe)
~ Call of Atlantis (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Europe)
+ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (France)
+ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Germany)
+ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Italy)
+ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Spain)
~ Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (USA)
~ Call of Duty - World at War (Europe)
~ Call of Duty - World at War (USA)
~ Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare (Europe)
~ Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare (Germany)
~ Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare (USA)
~ Camping Mama + Papa (Japan)
~ Captain Tsubasa - Gekitou no Kiseki (Japan)
~ Captain Tsubasa - New Kick Off (Europe)
~ Carcassonne (Europe)
~ Card Game 9 (Japan)
~ Carl Jiisan no Soratobu Ie (Japan)
~ Carnival Games (Europe)
~ Cars - Mater-National Championship (Europe)
~ Cars - Mater-National Championship (USA)
~ Cars - Motori Ruggenti (Italy)
~ Cars - Race-O-Rama (Europe)
~ Cars (Europe)
~ Cars (Germany)
~ Cars (Japan)
~ Cars (USA)
~ Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAY)
~ Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAZ)
~ Cars 2 (USA)
~ Casper's Scare School - Classroom Capers (Europe)
~ Casper's Scare School - Classroom Capers (USA)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA)
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Aotsuki no Partita (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of DIO (v2.0 Test Build #2))
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Dissonance (v1.0.5) (Original/Belnades Blood Edition/Level 1 Mode))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Definitive Edition (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Definitive Edition+ (v1.1.3) (New/Old Portraits))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow - Team CV3 (v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Castlevania - Eternity of Sorrow (Demo v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Korea)
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA)
* Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Latin Fix (v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Undub (v1.0))
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe)
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA)
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Decay (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Progenitors (v2.2.0) (Normal/Nest of Evil - Reincarnated Soul Theme))
+ Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin x Legacy of Darkness (v1.0))
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Rondo of Ruin (v1.0.5.1))
~ Catan (Europe)
~ Catch! Touch! Yoshi! (Europe)
~ Catch! Touch! Yoshi! (Japan)
~ Cate West - The Vanishing Files (USA)
~ Cats & Dogs - The Revenge of Kitty Galore - The Videogame (Europe)
~ Cats and Dogs - The Revenge of Kitty Galore (USA)
~ Catz (Europe)
~ Catz (USA)
~ Catz 2 (Europe)
~ Catz 2 (USA)
~ Chameleon - To Dye For! (USA)
~ Chase, The - Felix Meets Felicity (USA)
~ Cheer We Go (USA)
~ Cheetah Girls, The - Passport to Stardom (USA)
~ Chibi Maruko-chan DS - Maru-chan no Machi (Japan)
~ Chibi-Robo! - Park Patrol (USA)
~ Chicken Attack DS (Europe)
~ Chicken Blaster (Europe)
~ Chicken Shoot (USA)
~ Children of Mana (Europe)
~ Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon - Majo to Shoujo to 5-nin no Yuusha (Japan)
~ Chocoken no Omise - Patissier & Sweets Shop Game (Japan)
~ Chou Gekijouban Keroro Gunsou - Enshuu Da yo! - Zenin Shuugou (Japan)
~ Chou Kaseki Monster Battle - Gekitotsu Galaxy (Japan)
~ Chou Shittou Caduceus (Japan)
~ Chou Soujuu Mecha MG (Japan)
~ Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian (USA)
~ Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Europe) (A2WX)
~ Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Europe) (A2WY)
~ Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (USA)
~ Chrono Trigger (Europe)
~ Chrono Trigger (Japan)
~ Chrono Trigger (USA)
* Chrono Trigger (USA) (Chrono Trigger - Italian Project (v1.0))
* Chrono Trigger (USA) (Chrono Trigger (v1.0) (Italian) (Madness'Rebirth))
~ Chronos Twin (Europe)
~ Cid to Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon - Toki Wasure no Meikyuu DS+ (Japan)
~ City Life DS (Europe)
~ Clash King V201 (Japan)
~ Classic Action - Devilish (USA)
~ Claymore - Gingan no Majo (Japan)
~ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Europe)
~ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (USA)
~ Clubhouse Games (USA)
~ Clubhouse Games (USA) (Rev 1)
* Clueless Fashion (Europe) (Proto)
~ Cocoro no Cocoron (Japan)
~ Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (Japan)
* Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (Japan) (Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (v1.0) (English))
~ Code Lyoko (Europe)
~ Code Lyoko (USA)
~ Command and Destroy (Europe)
~ Command and Destroy (USA)
~ Contact (Europe)
~ Contact (Japan)
~ Contact (USA)
~ DaGeDar (USA)
~ Daigassou! Band-Brothers DX (Japan)
~ Daikoukai Jidai IV - Rota Nova (Japan)
~ Danshaku (Japan)
~ Daredemo Kantan! - Jo Chihun no Tsumego (Japan)
+ Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono-tachi (Japan)
* Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono-tachi (Japan) (Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono-tachi (v1.0.0) (English))
* Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (Europe) (Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (v1.0) (Italian) (Random Stones))
* Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (USA) (Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (v1.0) (Italian) (Random Stones))
~ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe)
~ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Japan)
~ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA)
~ Harvest Moon DS - Sunshine Islands (Europe)
~ I Am an... Air Traffic Controller by DS (Europe)
* Kurutore eCDP (Japan)
* Kurutore eCDP (Japan) (Kurutore eCDP (Alpha v0.5) (English))
* Mario Kart DS (Europe) (CTGP Nitro (v0.0.1))
* Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Mario Kart Real DS (Demo v1.1))
* Mega Man Star Force - Pegasus (USA) (Mega Man Star Force DX (v1.2.1))
* Metal Max 2 - Reloaded (Japan) (Metal Max 2 - Reloaded (v1.0) (English) (Metal Dreamers))
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters - First Hunt (Europe) (Demo)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters - First Hunt (USA, Australia) (Demo)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (Europe)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (Europe) (Rev 1)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (Japan)
* Metroid Prime - Hunters (Japan) (Rev 1)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (Korea)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA) (Metroid Prime - Hunters - Google Translate Edition (v1.0))
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA, Europe) (Demo) (DS Download Station)
~ Neopets Puzzle Adventure (USA)
~ Nettou! Powerful Koushien (Japan)
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (More Super Mario Bros. DS (v2.0))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New New Super Mario Bros. (v1.1))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - E3 2005 Demo Recreation (20210314))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - The New Levels (v1.2))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. - The Next Adventure (v0.2))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. Adventure (Demo v7.1))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Mario Bros. U DS (Demo v1.08))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Sicko Mario (Beta v5.0))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (New Super Toad DS (Beta v1.0))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Newer Super Mario Bros. DS (v1.15))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Super Mario - Castle 2 (v1.4))
* New Super Mario Bros. (USA) (Super Mario Bros. - The New Worlds (v3.1.0))
~ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
~ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (200608XX)
~ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (200608XX) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond (v1.0) (English))
~ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
~ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
~ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
* Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
* Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
* Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
* Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
~ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
~ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
~ Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
~ Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
~ Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
~ Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black 2 (Beta v4.2.1))
~ Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Dark Diamond (Beta v2.1))
* Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Diamond Version + Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Desafio Sinnoh (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Diamond Sun & Moon (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Moon Diamond (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon La Leyenda Oscura (Demo v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Sun Pearl (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
~ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Platinum Fusion (v1.0))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Pure Crystal - HeartGold Edition (v1.0))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4))
~ Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
~ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl (v1.2))
~ Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum (v3.1) (Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum (v3.1) (Normal/Inverse Normal Mode))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum (v1.51))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum (Alpha v1.1))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum GUI (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Pro (v2.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum (Beta v1.1))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum (v2.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner Platinum Trade Edition (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum (v1.0))
~ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Normal/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.1.0))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.15))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
~ Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
~ Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
~ Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Weisse Edition (Germany)
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - White Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
+ Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Europe)
+ Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (USA)
~ Saeki Chizu Shiki Yumemihada - Dream Skincare (Japan)
~ SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny (Japan)
* SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny (Japan) (SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny (v2.12) (English) (Crimson Nocturnal))
~ SaGa 3 - Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light (Japan)
~ Saibanin Suiri Game - Yuuzai x Muzai (Japan)
~ Saka Tsuku DS - Touch and Direct (Japan)
~ Saka Tsuku DS - World Challenge 2010 (Japan)
~ Sakusaku Jinkou Kokyuu Care Training DS (Japan)
~ Sally's Salon (USA)
~ Samgukji DS 2 (Korea)
~ Sands of Destruction (USA)
~ Sangokushi DS 2 (Japan)
~ Sangokushi Taisen DS (Japan)
~ Sangokushi Taisen Ten (Japan)
~ Sankei Sports Kanshuu - Wi-Fi Baken Yosou Ryoku Training - Umania 2007 Nendo Ban (Japan)
~ Sansuu Puzzle Game - Equal Card DS (Japan)
~ San-X Land - Theme Park de Asobou! (Japan)
~ Saru Saru DS (Japan)
~ Satisfashion - Rock the Runway (USA)
~ Sawaru Made in Wario (Japan)
~ SBK - Snowboard Kids (Europe)
~ SBK - Snowboard Kids (USA)
~ Scene It Twilight (USA)
~ Science Papa (Europe)
~ Science Papa (USA)
~ Scooby-Doo! - First Frights (Europe)
~ Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (Europe)
~ Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA)
~ Scooby-Doo! - Who's Watching Who (USA)
~ Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp (Europe)
~ Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp (USA)
~ Scribblenauts (Europe) (BSLP)
~ Scribblenauts (Europe) (BSLX)
~ Scribblenauts (USA)
~ Scribblenauts Collection (USA)
~ Scurge - Hive (Europe)
~ Scurge - Hive (USA)
+ Sonic Classic Collection (Europe)
+ Sonic Classic Collection (USA)
+ Spectrobes - Beyond the Portals (USA)
* Super Mario 64 DS (Europe) (Mario's Holiday (Demo Rev 11))
~ Tetris Party Deluxe (Europe)
+ TrackMania DS (USA)
+ Trainer (+4) (Legacy) - Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA)
+ Trainer (+4) (Venom) - Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrow (USA)
* Up (Greece)
* Vampire Knight DS (Japan) (Vampire Knight DS (v1.0) (English) (Anime Game Translations Team))
~ Xenosaga I & II (Japan)
~ Xia-Xia (Europe)
~ Xia-Xia (USA)
~ X-Men - Destiny (USA)
~ X-Men Origins - Wolverine (Europe)
~ X-Men Origins - Wolverine (USA)
~ Yawaraka Atama Juku (Japan)
~ Yogi Bear - The Video Game (Europe)
~ Yogi Bear (USA)
~ Ys DS (Japan)
~ Ys II DS (Japan)
~ Ys Strategy (Europe)
~ Ys Strategy (Japan)
~ Yu Yu Hakusho DS - Ankoku Bujutsukai Hen (Japan)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (USA)
~ Yume o Kanaeru Zou (Japan)

▼ Nintendo DSi

* Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA)
* Shantae - Risky's Revenge (USA)

▼ WFCReplay Game List

007 - Blood Stone (Canada)
007 - Blood Stone (Europe)
007 - Blood Stone (France)
007 - Blood Stone (Germany)
007 - Blood Stone (USA)
100 Classic Book Collection (Europe)
100 Classic Books (USA)
100 Livres Classiques (France)
42 All-Time Classics (Europe)
42 All-Time Classics (Europe) (Rev 1)
A Christmas Carol (USA)
Advance Wars - Dark Conflict (Europe)
Advance Wars - Days of Ruin (USA)
Age of Empires - Mythologies (Europe)
Age of Empires - Mythologies (USA)
Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan)
Akumajou Dracula - Gallery of Labyrinth (Japan) (Rev 1)
Akumajou Dracula - Ubawareta Kokuin (Japan)
Alice in Wonderland (USA)
AMF Bowling Pinbusters! (Europe)
AMF Bowling Pinbusters! (USA)
Animal Crossing - Wild World (Europe)
Animal Crossing - Wild World (USA)
Animal Crossing - Wild World (USA) (Rev 1)
Arkanoid DS (Europe)
Arkanoid DS (Japan)
Arkanoid DS (USA)
Aruite Wakaru - Seikatsu Rhythm DS (Japan)
Atama o Kitaete Asobu Taisen Yajirushi Puzzle - Puppynu Vector One (Japan)
Atsumare! Power Pro Kun no DS Koushien (Japan)
Atsumare! Power Pro Kun no DS Koushien (Japan) (Rev 1)
Avalon Code (Japan)
Banushi Life Game - Winner's Circle (Japan)
Battle Spirits Digital Starter (Japan)
Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA)
Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA) (Collector's Edition)
Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA) (ToysRus Exclusive)
Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA) (Walmart Exclusive)
Beyblade Metal Fusion - Cyber Pegasus (Europe)
Bibliothek der Klassischen Buecher (Germany)
Big Bang Mini (Europe)
Big Bang Mini (USA)
Bisanggu - Exit DS (Korea)
Blazer Drive (Japan)
Bleach - Dark Souls (Europe)
Bleach - Dark Souls (USA)
Bleach - The Blade of Fate (Europe)
Bleach - The Blade of Fate (Japan)
Bleach - The Blade of Fate (USA)
Bleach DS - Souten ni Kakeru Unmei (Japan)
Bleach DS 2nd - Kokui Hirameku Requiem (Japan)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (Europe)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (France)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (Germany)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (Italy)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (Spain)
Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (USA)
Blue Dragon - Ikai no Kyojuu (Japan)
Boku to Sim no Machi - Racing (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - Futago no Mura (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - Kimi to Sodatsu Shima (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - KiraKira Taiyou to Nakama-tachi (Japan)
Bokujou Monogatari - Youkoso! Kaze no Bazaar e (Japan)
Bokura no Taiyou - Django & Sabata (Japan)
Bolt - Be-Awesome Edition (USA)
Bolt (USA)
Bomber Man Story DS (Japan)
Bomberman 2 (Europe)
Bomberman Land Touch! (Europe)
Bomberman Land Touch! (USA)
Bomberman Land Touch! 2 (Europe)
Bomberman Land Touch! 2 (USA)
Bomberman Story DS (Europe)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (Canada)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (Europe) (BDYP)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (Europe) (BDYY)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (France)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (Germany)
Call of Duty - Black Ops (USA)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Europe)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (France)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Germany)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Italy)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (Spain)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare - Mobilized (USA)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - Defiance (Europe) (B5BP)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - Defiance (Europe) (B5BX)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - Defiance (France)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - Defiance (Germany)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - Defiance (USA)
Call of Duty - World at War (Europe)
Call of Duty - World at War (Korea)
Call of Duty - World at War (USA)
Camp Rock - The Final Jam (USA)
Captain Tsubasa - Gekitou no Kiseki (Japan)
Captain Tsubasa - New Kick Off (Europe)
Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAV)
Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAW)
Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAX)
Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAY)
Cars 2 (Europe) (VCAZ)
Cars 2 (USA)
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Europe)
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (Korea)
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA)
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Latin Fix (v1.0))
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (USA) (Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Undub (v1.0))
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe)
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA)
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Decay (v1.0))
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin x Legacy of Darkness (v1.0))
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (USA) (Castlevania - Rondo of Ruin (v1.0.3))
Cheetah Girls, The - Passport to Stardom (USA)
Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon - Majo to Shoujo to 5-nin no Yuusha (Japan)
Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (Japan)
Chou Kaseki Monster Battle - Gekitotsu Galaxy (Japan)
Chronicles of Narnia, The - Prince Caspian (USA)
Cid to Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon - Toki Wasure no Meikyuu DS+ (Japan)
Clash King V201 (Japan)
Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (Europe)
Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (Germany)
Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (USA)
Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (USA) (Rev 1)
Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (USA) (Rev 2)
Club Penguin - EPF - Herbert's Revenge (Europe)
Club Penguin - EPF - Herbert's Revenge (USA)
Club Penguin - Force d'Elite (France)
Clubhouse Games (USA)
Clubhouse Games (USA) (Rev 1)
Contact (Europe)
Contact (Japan)
Contact (USA)
Cookie & Cream (Europe)
Cookie & Cream (USA)
Coropata (Japan)
Culdcept DS (Japan)
Culdcept DS (Japan) (Culdcept DS (v1.0) (English))
Custom Battler Bomber Man (Japan)
Custom Beat Battle - Draglade (Japan)
Custom Beat Battle - Draglade 2 (Japan)
Custom Robo Arena (Europe)
Custom Robo Arena (USA)
Daigassou! Band-Brothers DX (Japan)
Dawn of Heroes (USA)
Derby Stallion DS (Japan)
Destiny Links (Japan)
Diary Girl (USA)
Diddy Kong Racing DS (Europe)
Diddy Kong Racing DS (USA)
Digimon Championship (Japan)
Digimon Championship (Korea)
Digimon Story - Lost Evolution (Japan)
Digimon Story - Moonlight (Japan)
Digimon Story - Sunburst (Japan)
Digimon Story (Japan)
Digimon Story (Japan) (Rev 1)
Digimon World - Dawn (USA)
Digimon World - Dusk (USA)
Digimon World Championship (USA)
Digimon World DS (USA)
Diner Dash - Flo on the Go (USA)
Dinosaur King (Europe)
Dinosaur King (USA)
Disney Friends (Europe)
Disney Friends (Germany)
Disney Friends (Italy)
Disney Friends (Japan)
Disney Friends (Netherlands)
Disney Friends (USA)
Doraemon - Nobita no Shin Makai Daibouken DS (Japan)
Draglade (Europe)
Draglade (USA)
Dragon Quest IX - Hoshizora no Mamoribito (Japan)
Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Europe)
Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies (USA)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker (Europe)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker (Japan)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker (USA)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 - Professional (Japan)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (Europe)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (Japan)
Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker 2 (USA)
Dragon Zakura DS (Japan)
Dramatic Dungeon - Sakura Taisen - Kimi Aru ga Tame (Japan)
DS Puzzler - Nanpure Fan & Oekaki Logic - Wi-Fi Taiou (Japan)
DTM Race Driver 3 - Create & Race (Germany)
Ducati Moto (Europe)
Ducati Moto (USA)
Dungeon Explorer - Jashin no Ryouiki (Japan)
Dungeon Explorer - Warriors of Ancient Arts (USA)
Dungeon Explorer (Europe)
Eco-Creatures - Save the Forest (USA)
Ecolis - Aoi Umi to Ugoku Shima (Japan)
Ecolis - Save the Forest (Europe)
Ecolis (Japan)
El Profesor Layton y el Futuro Perdido (Spain)
El Profesor Layton y la Caja de Pandora (Spain)
El Profesor Layton y la Llamada del Espectro (Spain)
Elebits - Kai to Zero no Fushigi na Tabi (Japan)
Elebits - Kaiwa Zeroui Sinbihan Yeohaeng (Korea)
Elebits - The Adventures of Kai and Zero (USA)
Eledees - The Adventures of Kai and Zero (Europe)
Elemental Monster - Itsu Hashira Gami no Nazo (Japan)
Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry (Europe)
Exit DS (Europe)
Exit DS (USA)
Fab 5 Soccer (USA)
Fab 5 Soccer (USA) (Rev 1)
FIFA 08 (Europe)
FIFA 08 (Europe) (Rev 1)
FIFA 08 (Korea)
FIFA 09 (Europe)
FIFA 09 (Korea)
FIFA 10 (Europe)
FIFA 10 (Korea)
FIFA 11 (Europe)
FIFA Soccer 08 (USA)
FIFA Soccer 09 (USA)
FIFA Soccer 10 (USA)
FIFA Soccer 11 (USA)
FIFA Street 3 (Europe)
FIFA Street 3 (USA)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Japan)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (Europe)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (Japan)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (USA)
Final Fantasy Fables - Chocobo Tales (Europe)
Final Fantasy Fables - Chocobo Tales (USA)
Final Fantasy III (Europe)
Final Fantasy III (Japan)
Final Fantasy III (USA)
Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon (Europe)
Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon (USA)
Fire Emblem - Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken (Japan)
Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo - Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu (Japan) (Rev 1)
Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo - Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu (Japan) (Rev 1) (Fire Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow (v3.03))
Fossil Fighters Champions (USA)
Fullmetal Alchemist - Trading Card Game (USA)
Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren 4 - Kami no Hitomi to Akuma no Heso (Japan)
Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren 5 - Fortune Tower to Unmei no Dice (Japan)
Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren DS (Japan)
Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren DS 2 - Sabaku no Majou (Japan)
Gabu Gabu Planet (Japan)
Gaitame Baibai Trainer - Kabutore FX (Japan)
Gauntlet (Europe) (Proto)
Gauntlet (USA) (Proto)
Gekitou! Custom Robo (Japan)
Gensou Suikoden - Tierkreis (Japan)
Geometry Wars - Galaxies (Europe)
Geometry Wars - Galaxies (USA)
G-Force (USA)
Girls Life - Jewellery Style (Europe)
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou - MM My Best Friend! (Japan)
GoldenEye 007 (Canada)
GoldenEye 007 (Europe)
GoldenEye 007 (France)
GoldenEye 007 (Germany)
GoldenEye 007 (Italy)
GoldenEye 007 (Spain)
GoldenEye 007 (USA)
GoPets - Vacation Island! (USA)
Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (Europe)
Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (Japan)
Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (USA)
Grid (USA)
Guinness World Records - The Videogame (Europe)
Guinness World Records - The Videogame (USA)
Hannah Montana - Music Jam (USA)
Hannah Montana - The Movie (USA)
Harvest Moon - The Tale of Two Towns (Europe)
Harvest Moon DS - Grand Bazaar (Europe)
Harvest Moon DS - Grand Bazaar (USA)
Harvest Moon DS - Island of Happiness (Europe)
Harvest Moon DS - Island of Happiness (USA)
Harvest Moon DS - The Tale of Two Towns (USA)
Heavy Armor Brigade (USA)
Heisei Kyouiku Iinkai DS - Zenkoku Touitsu Moshi Special (Japan)
Heroes of Mana (Europe)
Heroes of Mana (USA)
High School Musical 3 - Senior Year (USA)
Hijouguchi - Exit DS (Japan)
Hirameki Puzzle - Maxwell no Fushigi na Note (Japan)
Hwansangsuhojeon - Tierkreis (Korea)
Idolm@ster, The - Dearly Stars (Japan)
Il Professor Layton e il Futuro Perduto (Italy)
Il Professor Layton e il Richiamo dello Spettro (Italy)
Il Professor Layton e lo Scrigno di Pandora (Italy)
Imagine - Artist (Europe)
Imagine - Artist (USA)
Inazuma Eleven (Europe)
Inazuma Eleven (France)
Inazuma Eleven (Germany)
Inazuma Eleven (Italy)
Inazuma Eleven (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven (Japan) (Rev 1)
Inazuma Eleven (Spain)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Blizzard (Europe)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Bufera di Neve (Italy)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Eissturm (Germany)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Feuersturm (Germany)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Firestorm (Europe)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Kyoui no Shinryakusha - Blizzard (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Kyoui no Shinryakusha - Blizzard (Japan) (Rev 1)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Kyoui no Shinryakusha - Fire (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Kyoui no Shinryakusha - Fire (Japan) (Rev 1)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Tempesta di Fuoco (Italy)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Tempete de Feu (France)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Tempete de Glace (France)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Tormenta de Fuego (Spain)
Inazuma Eleven 2 - Ventisca Eterna (Spain)
Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - Bomber (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - Spark (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - The Ogre (Japan)
Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - The Ogre (Japan) (Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - The Ogre (v0.6) (English))
Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - The Ogre (Japan) (Inazuma Eleven 3 - Sekai e no Chousen!! - The Ogre (v0.6) (French))
International Athletics (Europe)
Itadaki Street DS - Dragon Quest Super Mario (Japan)
Item Getter - Bokura no Kagaku to Mahou no Kankei (Japan)
Jam with the Band (Europe)
Jet Impulse (Japan)
Jonas (USA)
Jump Ultimate Stars (Japan)
Just Sing (USA)
Just Sing! (Europe)
Just Sing! (Europe) (Rev 1)
Kaite, Shabette, Hajimeyou! - Monster Farm DS (Japan)
Kanshuu Nihon Joushiki Ryoku Kentei Kyoukai - Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai - Otona no Joushiki Ryoku Training DS (Japan)
Kanshuu Nihon Joushiki Ryoku Kentei Kyoukai - Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai - Otona no Joushiki Ryoku Training DS (Japan) (Rev 1)
Kaseki Chou Shinka - Spectrobes (Japan)
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS - Flame Rumble XX - Chou Kessen! Real 6 Chouka (Japan)
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS - Ore ga Boss! - Saikyou Family Taisen (Japan)
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri - Komorebi no Tani, Seseragi no Uta (Japan)
Kenkou Ouen Recipe 1000 - DS Kondate Zenshuu (Japan)
Kidou Gekidan Haro Ichiza - Gundam Mahjong +Z - Sarani Dekiru You ni Natta Na! (Japan)
Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King - 7-tsu no Kakera (Japan)
Kodawari Saihai Simulation - Ochanoma Pro Yakyuu DS - 2010 Nendo Ban (Japan)
Kokoro o Yasumeru - Otona no Nurie DS 2 (Japan)
Konductra (USA)
Kou Rate Ura Mahjong Retsuden - Mukoubuchi - Goburei, Last Desu ne (Japan)
Kouchuu Ouja Mushi King Super Collection (Japan)
Kousoku Card Battle - Card Hero (Japan)
Kunitori Zunou Battle - Nobunaga no Yabou (Japan)
Kurikuri DS - Otasuke Island (Japan)
Kurutore eCDP (Japan)
Kurutore eCDP (Japan) (Kurutore eCDP (Alpha v0.5) (English))
Layton Gyosuwa Angmaui Sangja (Korea)
Layton Gyosuwa Isanghan Maeul (Korea)
Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako (Japan)
Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (Japan)
Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (Japan) (Rev 1)
Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (Japan) (Rev 2)
Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue (Japan)
Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue (Japan) (Rev 1)
Layton Kyouju to Saigo no Jikan Ryokou (Japan)
Legend of Zelda, The - Phantom Hourglass (Europe)
Legend of Zelda, The - Phantom Hourglass (USA)
Line Rider - Freestyle (Europe)
Line Rider 2 - Unbound (USA)
LostMagic (Europe)
LostMagic (Japan)
LostMagic (USA)
Luminous Arc (Europe)
Luminous Arc (Japan)
Luminous Arc (USA)
Luminous Arc 2 - Will (Japan)
Luminous Arc 2 (Europe)
Luminous Arc 2 (USA)
Luminous Arc 3 - Eyes (Japan)
Madden NFL 08 (Europe)
Madden NFL 08 (USA)
Madden NFL 09 (Europe)
Madden NFL 09 (USA)
Madden NFL 09 (USA) (Rev 1)
Made in Ore (Japan)
Magical Michael Pang (Europe)
Magician's Quest - Mysterious Times (USA)
Mahjong Fight Club DS - Wi-Fi Taiou (Japan)
Mahjong Fight Club DS - Wi-Fi Taiou (Japan) (Rev 1)
Maji de Manabu - LEC de Ukaru - DS Takuchi Tatemono Torihiki Shuninsha (Japan)
Maji de Manabu - LEC de Ukaru - DS Takuchi Tatemono Torihiki Shuninsha - 2011 Nen & 2012 Nendo Ban (Japan)
Major League Baseball 2K8 - Fantasy All-Stars (USA)
Major League Baseball 2K9 - Fantasy All-Stars (USA)
Manepa 1000 Mannin no FX Training (Japan)
Mario & Sonic at Beijing Olympic (Japan)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Europe)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (USA)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Europe)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (USA)
Mario & Sonic at Vancouver Olympic (Japan)
Mario Kart DS (Europe)
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (CTGP Nitro (v0.0.1))
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Demo) (Nintendo Channel/Download Station Vol. 1)
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Ermii Kart DS (Beta v1.0r))
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Ermii Kart DS (Beta v1.0s))
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Mario Kart Real DS (Demo v1.1))
Mario Kart DS (Europe) (Mario Kart Zero (v1.3))
Mario Kart DS (Japan)
Mario Kart DS (Korea)
Mario Kart DS (USA)
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Demo) (Download Station Vol. 1)
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Evolution Kart DS (Beta v5.0))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart DS - N64 Circuit (v1.5))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart DS - Pre-Alpha Replica (v1.9))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart DS Beta Restore (v3.0))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart DS Deluxe (Beta v0.1))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Mario Kart Wii - DS Edition (v1.0))
Mario Kart DS (USA) (Smoker Kart DS (Beta v1.0))
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Mini-Land Mayhem! (Europe)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Mini-Land Mayhem! (USA) (Rev 1)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Mini-Land Mayhem! (USA) (Rev 2)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - Totsugeki! Mini-Land (Japan)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 - March of the Minis (Europe)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 - March of the Minis (USA)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 - MiniMini Daikoushin! (Japan)
Mariowa Sonic - Beijing Olympic (Korea)
Mariowa Sonic - Vancouver Donggye-olympic (Korea)
Maru Kaite Don Don Oboeru - Kyoui no Tsugawa Shiki Kanji Kiokujutsu - Kiso Gakushuu Hen (Japan)
Maru Kaite Don Don Oboeru - Kyoui no Tsugawa Shiki Kanji Kiokujutsu (Japan)
Marvel Trading Card Game (Europe)
Marvel Trading Card Game (USA)
Mawashite Tsunageru Touch Panic (Japan)
Medarot DS - Kabuto Ver. (Japan)
Medarot DS - Kuwagata Ver. (Japan)
Mega Man Star Force - Dragon (Europe)
Mega Man Star Force - Dragon (USA)
Mega Man Star Force - Leo (Europe)
Mega Man Star Force - Leo (USA)
Mega Man Star Force - Pegasus (Europe)
Mega Man Star Force - Pegasus (USA)
Mega Man Star Force 2 - Zerker x Ninja (Europe)
Mega Man Star Force 2 - Zerker x Ninja (USA)
Mega Man Star Force 2 - Zerker x Saurian (Europe)
Mega Man Star Force 2 - Zerker x Saurian (USA)
Mega Man Star Force 3 - Black Ace (USA)
Mega Man Star Force 3 - Black Ace (USA) (Mega Man Star Force 3 - Black Ace - Undub (v1.0))
Mega Man Star Force 3 - Red Joker (USA)
Mega Man Star Force 3 - Red Joker (USA) (Mega Man Star Force 3 - Red Joker - Undub (v1.0))
Mes Amis Disney (France)
Metal Beyblade - Cyber Pegasis (Korea)
Metal Fight Beyblade - Baku Shin Susanoo Shuurai! (Japan)
Metal Fight Beyblade - Bakutan! Cyber Pegasis (Japan)
Metal Fight Beyblade (Japan)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (Europe)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (Europe) (Rev 1)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (Japan)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (Japan) (Rev 1)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (Korea)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA)
Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA) (Metroid Prime - Hunters - Google Translate Edition (v1.0))
Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA) (Rev 1)
Mezase!! Tsuri Master DS (Japan)
Mini Yonku DS (Japan)
Minna de Flash Anzan DS (Japan)
Mokjjangiyagi - Neowa hamkke Jaraneun Seom (Korea)
Momotarou Dentetsu - 20 Shuunen (Japan)
Momotarou Dentetsu - World (Japan)
Monster Farm DS 2 - Yomigaeru! Master Breeder Densetsu (Japan)
Monster Racers (Japan)
Monster Racers (USA)
Monster Rancher DS (USA)
My Secret World by Imagine (Europe)
My Secret World by Imagine (USA)
MySims - Racing (Europe)
MySims - Racing (USA)
MySims - SkyHeroes (Europe)
MySims - SkyHeroes (USA)
Mystery Dungeon - Shiren the Wanderer (Europe)
Mystery Dungeon - Shiren the Wanderer (USA)
N+ (USA)
Namanui Collection - Girls Style (Korea)
Nanostray 2 (Europe)
Nanostray 2 (USA)
Naruto - Path of the Ninja 2 (USA)
Naruto RPG 3 - Reijuu vs Konoha Shoutai (Japan)
Naruto Shippuden - Ninja Council 3 - European Version (Europe)
Naruto Shippuu Den - Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 5 - Kessen! 'Akatsuki' (Japan)
Nazonazo & Quiz - Ittou Nyuukon Q Mate! (Japan)
Need for Speed - ProStreet (Europe)
Need for Speed - ProStreet (Europe) (Rev 1)
Need for Speed - ProStreet (Korea)
Need for Speed - ProStreet (USA)
Need for Speed - ProStreet (USA) (Rev 1)
Need for Speed - Undercover (Europe)
Need for Speed - Undercover (USA)
Nettou! Powerful Koushien (Japan)
New International Hyper Sports DS (Japan)
New International Track & Field (Europe)
New International Track & Field (Korea)
New International Track & Field (USA)
Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi (Japan)
Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi (Japan) (Ni no Kuni - Shikkoku no Madoushi (v1.0) (English))
Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword (Europe)
Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword (Japan)
Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword (Korea)
Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword (USA)
Nintendo DS Browser (Japan)
Nintendo DS Browser (USA, Europe)
Nintendo Presents - Style Boutique (Europe) (Rev 1)
Nobunaga no Yabou DS 2 (Japan)
Nolleooseyo Dongmurui Sup (Korea)
Oide yo Doubutsu no Mori (Japan)
Oide yo Doubutsu no Mori (Japan) (Rev 1)
One Piece Gigant Battle 2 - Shin Sekai (Japan)
Open Season (Europe)
Open Season (Europe) (Multi)
Open Season (USA)
Othello de Othello DS (Japan)
Otona no Renai Shousetsu - DS Harlequin Selection (Japan)
Panel de Pon DS (Japan)
Panzer Tactics DS (Europe)
Panzer Tactics DS (USA)
Penguin no Mondai - The World (Japan)
Personal Trainer - Walking (USA)
Petz - Dog Superstar (Europe)
Petz - Dogz Talent Show (USA)
Petz - Hamster Superstar (Europe)
Petz - Hamsterz Superstars (USA)
Petz - Nursery (Europe)
Petz - Nursery (USA)
Phantasy Star 0 (Europe)
Phantasy Star 0 (Japan)
Phantasy Star 0 (USA)
Phineas and Ferb - Across the 2nd Dimension (Europe) (BZFP)
Phineas and Ferb - Across the 2nd Dimension (Europe) (BZFX)
Phineas and Ferb - Across the 2nd Dimension (USA)
Phineas and Ferb - Ride Again (USA)
Phineas and Ferb (USA)
Phineas and Ferb (USA) (Rev 1)
Picross 3D (Europe)
Picross 3D (USA)
Picross DS (Europe)
Picross DS (Japan)
Picross DS (Korea)
Picross DS (USA)
Planet Puzzle League (USA)
Pocket Monsters - Black (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Black (Korea)
Pocket Monsters - Black 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
Pocket Monsters - Black 2 (Korea)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (200608XX)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (200608XX) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond (v1.0) (English))
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
Pocket Monsters - Diamond and Pearl - Recovery Program (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon Apocalypse (v1.0))
Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon Revelation (v1.0))
Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Korea)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - Absolute SoulSilver - The End (v1.0))
Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Fusion 2 (v1.0))
Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Korea)
Pocket Monsters - White (Japan)
Pocket Monsters - White (Korea)
Pocket Monsters - White 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
Pocket Monsters - White 2 (Korea)
Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
Pogo Island (Europe)
Pogo Island (USA)
Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe)
Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version (v3.1) (Clean))
Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version (v3.1) (Full))
Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version (v3.1))
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe)
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version 2 - 251 Edition (v2.1))
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black 2 (Beta v4.2))
Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version 2 (v1.0))
Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Dark Diamond (Beta v2.1))
Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond (v1.0))
Pokemon - Diamond Version + Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
Pokemon - Edicion Blanca (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Blanca 2 (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Desafio Sinnoh (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Diamond Sun & Moon (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Moon Diamond (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon La Leyenda Oscura (Demo v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Negra (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum (v0.1.5) (English))
Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum (v0.1.5) (Spanish))
Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Christmas (v0.1.4) (English))
Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Christmas (v0.1.4) (Spanish))
Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Sun Pearl (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum (v1.0))
Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Platinum Fusion (v1.0))
Pokemon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (Germany)
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA)
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Moemon - HeartGold Version (v1.2))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - DarkViolet Version (v1.0))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - FireRed DS (v1.5))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartRed Version (v0.4.7.6))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Heart Version (v1.0))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Pure Crystal - HeartGold Edition (v1.0))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Red Reloaded (Alpha v0.1))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SacredGold Version (v1.05) (Classic))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SacredGold Version (v1.05) (Complete))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4))
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SunGold Version (v1.0))
Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl (v1.2))
Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum (v1.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode (v3.1))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Normal/Inverse Normal Mode (v3.1))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum (v1.51))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum (Alpha v1.1))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum GUI (v1.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Pro (v2.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum (Beta v1.1))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum (v2.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner Platinum Trade Edition (v1.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum (v1.0))
Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Normal/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
Pokemon - Schwarze Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Schwarze Edition 2 (Germany)
Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver (Germany)
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.1.0))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA)
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - MoonSilver Version (v1.0))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Soul (v1.0))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Blue Version (v1.8))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.15))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Plus (Beta v10))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - StormSilver Version (Classic v1.05))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - StormSilver Version (Complete v1.05))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Super Hard SoulSilver (Beta v1.1))
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Unova SoulSilver (Alpha v1.1))
Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France)
Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2) (French))
Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2-v6) (English))
Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon Rebooted - Diving Silver Version (Beta v4.0.0))
Pokemon - Version Blanche (France)
Pokemon - Version Blanche 2 (France)
Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Version Noire (France)
Pokemon - Version Noire 2 (France)
Pokemon - Version Or HeartGold (France)
Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
Pokemon - Versione Argento SoulSilver (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Bianca (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Bianca 2 (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Versione Nera (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Nera 2 (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Oro HeartGold (Italy)
Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
Pokemon - Weisse Edition (Germany)
Pokemon - Weisse Edition 2 (Germany)
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe)
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Omega Paradox (v2.0))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version (v3.1) (Clean))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version (v3.1) (Full))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - White Deluxe (v1.0.0))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - White Version - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition (v1.1))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version (v3.1))
Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon Puro Diamante (Demo v3.0))
Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe)
Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version 2 (v1.0))
Pokemon Bulgasaui Dungeon - Eodumui Tamheomdae (Korea)
Pokemon Bulgasaui Dungeon - Siganui Tamheomdae (Korea)
Pokémon Conquest (Europe)
Pokémon Conquest (USA)
Pokémon Conquest (USA) (Rev 1)
Pokemon DP Recovery Program (Japan) (Nintendo Channel)
Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon - Sora no Tankentai (Japan)
Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon - Toki no Tankentai (Japan)
Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon - Yami no Tankentai (Japan)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness (Europe)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness (USA)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (Europe)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Fire (v1.0))
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Light (v1.0))
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sea (v1.0))
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time (Europe)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time (USA)
Pokémon Plus Nobunaga no Yabou (Japan)
Pokemon Ranger - Batonnage (Japan)
Pokemon Ranger - Guardian Signs (Europe)
Pokemon Ranger - Guardian Signs (USA)
Pokemon Ranger - Hikari no Kiseki (Japan)
Pokemon Ranger - Shadows of Almia (Europe)
Pokemon Ranger - Shadows of Almia (USA)
PostPet DS - Yumemiru Momo to Fushigi no Pen (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 10 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 11 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 12 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 13 (Japan)
Power Pro Kun Pocket 14 (Japan)
Prey the Stars - Gabu Gabu Planet (Europe)
Prey the Stars (USA)
Princess and the Frog, The (USA)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Europe)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (USA)
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Europe) (Rev 1)
Pro Yakyuu Famista DS (Japan)
Pro Yakyuu Famista DS 2009 (Japan)
Professeur Layton et la Boite de Pandore (France)
Professeur Layton et l'Appel du Spectre (France)
Professeur Layton et le Destin Perdu (France)
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (Europe)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Europe)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (USA)
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (USA)
Professor Layton and the Last Specter (USA)
Professor Layton and the Lost Future (Europe)
Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call (Europe)
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (USA)
Professor Layton en de Doos van Pandora (Netherlands)
Professor Layton en de Melodie van het Spook (Netherlands)
Professor Layton en de Verloren Toekomst (Netherlands)
Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms (Germany)
Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora (Germany)
Professor Layton und die Verlorene Zukunft (Germany)
Puffins - Island Adventure (USA)
Puyo Puyo 7 (Japan)
Puyo Puyo! - Puyopuyo 15th Anniversary (Japan)
Puyo Puyo! - Puyopuyo 15th Anniversary (Japan) (Rev 1)
Puyo Puyo! - Puyopuyo 15th Anniversary (Japan) (Rev 2)
Puyo Puyo! - Puyopuyo 15th Anniversary (Japan) (Rev 3)
Puyo Puyo!! - Puyopuyo 20th Anniversary (Japan)
Puzzle Bobble Galaxy (Europe)
Puzzle League DS (Europe)
Puzzle League DS (Europe) (Rev 1)
Quiz Magic Academy DS - Futatsu no Jikuuseki (Japan)
Quiz Magic Academy DS (Japan)
Quiz Magic Academy DS (Japan) (Rev 1)
Rabbids Go Home - A Comedy Adventure (USA)
Rabbids Go Home (Europe)
Race Driver - Create & Race (Europe)
Race Driver - Create & Race (USA)
Race Driver - Grid (Europe)
Ragnarok DS (Korea)
Ragnarok DS (USA)
Ragnarok Online DS (Japan)
Rittai Picross (Japan)
River King - Mystic Valley (USA)
RPG Tkool DS (Japan)
RPG Tsukuru DS+ - Create The New World (Japan)
Rune Factory - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Europe)
Rune Factory - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (USA)
Rune Factory - Shin Bokujou Monogatari (Japan)
Rune Factory - Sinmokjjangiyagi (Korea)
Rune Factory 2 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Europe)
Rune Factory 2 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (USA)
Rune Factory 2 (Japan)
Rune Factory 2 (Japan) (Rev 1)
Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (Europe)
Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon (USA)
Rune Factory 3 (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman - Dragon (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman - Leo (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman - Pegasus (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman 2 - Berserk x Dinosaur (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman 2 - Berserk x Shinobi (Japan)
Ryuusei no Rockman 3 - Black Ace (Japan) (Rev 1)
Ryuusei no Rockman 3 - Red Joker (Japan) (Rev 1)
Saka Tsuku DS - World Challenge 2010 (Japan)
Samgukji DS 2 (Korea)
Sangokushi DS 2 (Japan)
Sangokushi Taisen DS (Japan)
Sangokushi Taisen Ten (Japan)
Sankei Sports Kanshuu - Wi-Fi Baken Yosou Ryoku Training - Umania 2007 Nendo Ban (Japan)
Scribblenauts (Europe) (BSLP)
Scribblenauts (Europe) (BSLX)
Scribblenauts (USA)
Scribblenauts Collection (USA)
Seiken Densetsu - Heroes of Mana (Japan)
Sekai no Gohan - Shaberu! DS Oryouri Navi (Japan)
Shin Lucky Star Moe Drill - Tabidachi (Japan)
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (Europe)
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (Japan)
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution (USA)
Sideswiped (USA)
Skate It (Europe)
Skate It (USA)
Solatorobo - Red the Hunter (Europe)
Solatorobo - Sorekara Coda e (Japan)
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (Europe)
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (USA)
Sonic Colors (Japan)
Sonic Colors (USA)
Sonic Colours (Europe)
Sonic Rush Adventure (Europe)
Sonic Rush Adventure (Europe) (Rev 1)
Sonic Rush Adventure (Japan)
Sonic Rush Adventure (Korea)
Sonic Rush Adventure (USA)
Sonny with a Chance (USA)
Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (USA)
Space Bust-A-Move (USA)
Space Invaders Extreme (Europe)
Space Invaders Extreme (Japan)
Space Invaders Extreme (USA)
Space Invaders Extreme 2 (Europe)
Space Invaders Extreme 2 (Japan)
Space Invaders Extreme 2 (USA)
Space Puzzle Bobble (Japan)
Spectrobes - Beyond the Portals (Europe)
Spectrobes - Beyond the Portals (USA)
Spectrobes (Europe)
Spectrobes (USA)
Spore Creatures (Europe)
Spore Creatures (Japan)
Spore Creatures (Korea)
Spore Creatures (USA)
Spore Hero Arena (Europe)
Spore Hero Arena (USA)
Star Fox Command (Europe)
Star Fox Command (Japan)
Star Fox Command (USA)
Steal Princess - Touzoku Koujo (Japan)
Steal Princess (USA)
Stitch Jam (USA)
Style Lab - Fashion Design (USA)
Style Lab - Jewelry Design (USA)
Style Lab - Jewelry Design (USA) (Rev 1)
Style Savvy (USA)
Sudoku DS - Nikoli no 'Sudoku' Ketteiban (Japan)
Suikoden - Tierkreis (Europe)
Suikoden - Tierkreis (USA)
Suite Life of Zack & Cody, The - Circle of Spies (Europe)
Suite Life of Zack & Cody, The - Circle of Spies (USA)
Summon Night X - Tears Crown (Japan)
Summon Night X - Tears Crown (Japan) (Summon Night X - Tears Crown (v1.0) (English))
Supa Robo Gakuen (Japan)
Super Kaseki Horider (Japan)
Super Kaseki Horider (Japan) (Rev 1)
Super Scribblenauts (Europe) (BH2P)
Super Scribblenauts (Europe) (BH2X)
Super Scribblenauts (USA)
Surf's Up (Europe) (AXUP)
Surf's Up (Europe) (AXUX)
Surf's Up (USA)
Surf's Up (USA) (Rev 1)
Suujin Taisen (Japan)
Tacticslayer - Retainer Guard Senki (Japan)
Tangled (USA)
Tank Battles (Europe)
Tank Beat (Japan)
Tank Beat (USA)
Tank Beat 2 - Gekitotsu! Duits-gun vs. Rengougun (Japan)
Tank Beat 2 - Gyeokdol! Jeoncha Daejeon (Korea)
Tecmo Bowl - Kickoff (USA)
Tele 7 Jeux Inedits - WordJong (France)
Tenchu - Dark Secret (Europe)
Tenchu - Dark Secret (Europe)
Tenchu - Dark Secret (USA)
Tenchu - Dark Shadow (Japan)
Tetris DS (Europe)
Tetris DS (Japan)
Tetris DS (Korea)
Tetris DS (USA)
Tetris Party Deluxe (Europe)
Tetris Party Deluxe (USA)
Tetris Party Premium (Japan)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Europe)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (USA)
Tinker Bell (USA)
Tinker Bell (USA) (Rev 1)
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (Europe)
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (USA)
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (USA)
Tongari Boushi to Mahou no 365-nichi (Japan)
Tongari Boushi to Mahou no Omise (Japan)
Tongari Boushi to Oshare na Mahou Tsukai (Japan)
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Europe)
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (USA)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Europe)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (USA)
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (Europe)
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (USA)
Touch! Bomber Man Land - Star Bomber no Miracle World (Japan)
Touch! Bomber Man Land (Japan)
Touch! Bomberman Land (Korea)
TouchMaster - Connect (USA)
TouchMaster (Europe)
TouchMaster (USA)
TouchMaster (USA) (Rev 1)
TouchMaster 4 - Connect (Europe)
Toy Story 3 (USA)
TrackMania Turbo (Europe)
TrackMania Turbo (USA)
Trainer (+3) (Medwares) - Scribblenauts (USA)
Trainer (+4) (Legacy) - Metroid Prime - Hunters (USA)
Trainer (+8) (Venom) - Advance Wars - Days of Ruin (USA)
Trainer (+8) (Venom) - Monster Rancher DS (USA)
Transformers - Autobots (Europe)
Transformers - Autobots (Europe) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Autobots (France)
Transformers - Autobots (France) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Autobots (Germany)
Transformers - Autobots (Germany) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Autobots (Italy)
Transformers - Autobots (USA)
Transformers - Autobots (USA) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Decepticons (Europe)
Transformers - Decepticons (Europe) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Decepticons (France)
Transformers - Decepticons (Germany)
Transformers - Decepticons (Italy)
Transformers - Decepticons (Spain)
Transformers - Decepticons (USA)
Transformers - Decepticons (USA) (Rev 1)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (Europe) (CXRP)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (Europe) (CXRX)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots Version (USA)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (Europe) (CXOP)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (Europe) (CXOX)
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons Version (USA)
Treasure World (USA)
TRON - Evolution (USA)
Tus Amigos de Disney (Spain)
Ultimate Band (USA)
Ultimate Card Games (USA)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (Europe)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (USA)
Unou Kaiten - Match Bou Puzzle DS (Japan)
V8 Supercars Australia 3 - Create & Race (Australia)
Wagamama Fashion - Girls Mode (Japan)
Walk with Me! (Europe) (Rev 1)
Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (Europe) (AW4X)
Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (Europe) (AW4Y)
Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (Europe) (AW4Z)
Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (USA)
WarioWare - D.I.Y. (USA)
WarioWare - Do It Yourself (Europe)
Wi-Fi Taiou - Gensen Table Game DS (Japan)
Wi-Fi Taiou - Morita Shougi DS (Japan)
Wi-Fi Taiou - Sekai no Daredemo Asobi Taizen (Japan)
Wi-Fi Taiou - Yakuman DS (Japan)
Winning Eleven - Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 (USA)
Winx Club - Secret Diary 2009 (Europe)
Winx Club - Your Magic Universe (Europe)
Wizards of Waverly Place - Spellbound (USA)
Wizards of Waverly Place (USA)
WordJong (Europe)
WordJong (USA)
World Championship Games - A Track & Field Event (USA)
World Soccer - Winning Eleven DS (Japan)
World Soccer - Winning Eleven DS (Korea)
World Soccer Winning Eleven DS - Goal x Goal! (Japan)
Worms - Open Warfare 2 (Europe)
Worms - Open Warfare 2 (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2007 (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2007 (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2008 (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2008 (Korea)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship 2008 (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (Korea)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (Korea) (Rev 1)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2010 - Reverse of Arcadia (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2010 - Reverse of Arcadia (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2010 - Reverse of Arcadia (Korea)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2010 - Reverse of Arcadia (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Korea)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (USA)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - World Championship 2007 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - World Championship 2008 (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX - Spirit Summoner (Japan)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Spirit Caller (Europe)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Spirit Caller (USA)
Yumeiro Patissiere - My Sweets Cooking (Japan)
Zac to Ombra - Maboroshi no Yuuenchi (Japan)
Zelda no Densetsu - Mugen no Sunadokei (Japan)
Zeldaui Jeonseol - Monghwanui Moraesigye (Korea)

External links

DeadSkullzJr NDS Cheat Databases (2025)
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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6221

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.