Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (2024)

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Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation

C. Drago and J. E. Sipe
Phys. Rev. A 110, 023710 – Published 6 August 2024
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Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (1)

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    Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (2)


    We develop a formalism to describe squeezed light with large spectral-temporal correlations. This description is valid in all regimes, but is especially applicable in the long pulse to continuous-wave limit where the photon density at any particular time is small, although the total number of photons can be quite large. Our method relies on the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation formula applied to the joint temporal amplitude of squeezed light, which allows us to “deconstruct” the squeezed state. This provides a local description of the state and its photon statistics, making the underlying physics more transparent than does the use of the Schmidt decomposition. The formalism can easily be extended to more exotic nonclassical states where a Schmidt decomposition is not possible.

    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (3)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (4)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (5)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (6)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (7)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (8)
    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (9)

    20 More

    • Received 4 December 2023
    • Accepted 15 April 2024


    ©2024 American Physical Society

    Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

    1. Research Areas

    Photon statisticsQuantum opticsQuantum states of lightSqueezing of quantum noise

    Atomic, Molecular & Optical

    Authors & Affiliations

    C. Drago* and J. E. Sipe

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    Vol. 110, Iss. 2 — August 2024

    Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (10)
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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (14)

      Figure 1

      Schematic of a joint intensity represented in time on the left and frequency on the right. The horizontal width of the joint temporal (spectral) amplitude is denoted by Tp (Bc), which is the effective pulse duration (bandwidth). The narrow horizontal width at t2=0 is denoted by Tc=1/Bc and is the coherence time of photon pairs.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (15)

      Figure 2

      For the double-Gaussian, from left to right we plot the joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by TpDG, the joint spectral intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by 2πBcDG, and the Schmidt amplitudes pn up to n=39.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (16)

      Figure 3

      For the double-Gaussian, from left to right we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ and a few contributions from different Schmidt modes in Eq.(3.20) with the horizontal axis normalized by TpDG for β=0.1, 5, and 10. In each plot the n=0 term is the largest Schmidt mode contribution and they get smaller as n increases.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (17)

      Figure 4

      For the double Gaussian, from left to right we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) with the axes normalized by TpDG for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (18)

      Figure 5

      For the sinc hat, from left to right we plot the joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by TpSH, the joint spectral intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by 2πBcSH, and the Schmidt amplitudes pn up to n=39.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (19)

      Figure 6

      For the sinc hat, from left to right we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ and a few contributions from different Schmidt modes in Eq.(3.20) with the horizontal axis normalized by TpSH for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (20)

      Figure 7

      For the sinc hat, from left to right we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) with the axes normalized by TpSH for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (21)

      Figure 8

      Plot of the approximate joint spectral intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by 2πBcSH. The “false” contributions highlighted by the black dashed circles are due to the periodicity of the function û(ω) with a period Tc; see the discussion in the paragraph above Eq.(4.14).

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (22)

      Figure 9

      From left to right we plot the sinc-hat joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value, the approximate joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value, and two contributions to the approximate joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value when n=0 and n=5 with the axes all normalized by TpSH.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (23)

      Figure 10

      For the sinc hat calculated from the pseudo-Schmidt decomposition, from left to right we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ and a few contributions from different pseudo-Schmidt modes in Eq.(4.16) with the horizontal axis normalized by TpSH for β=0.1, 5, and 10. In each plot the n=6 pseudo-Schmidt mode is the leftmost contribution and they move towards to right as n increases.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (24)

      Figure 11

      For the sinc hat calculated from the pseudo-Schmidt decomposition, from left to right we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) with the axes normalized by TpSH for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (25)

      Figure 12

      Using the analytical result (4.27), from left to right we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) with the axes normalized by TpSH for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (26)

      Figure 13

      For the double-Gaussian and using the Whittaker-Shannon decomposition, from left to right we plot the joint temporal intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by TpDG, the joint spectral intensity divided by its maximum value with the axes normalized by 2πBcDG, and the amplitudes rnm.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (27)

      Figure 14

      For the double-Gaussian, from left to right we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ calculated using the Whittaker-Shannon decomposition and a few contributions from different packets in Eq.(6.8) compared with the exact calculation (3.20), with the horizontal axis normalized by TpDG for β=0.1,5, and 10. In each plot the n=32 packet is the leftmost contribution and they move towards to right as n increases.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (28)

      Figure 15

      For the double-Gaussian, from left to right we plot (sinhP)nm normalized by the respective maximum values for β=0.1,5, and 10 with the horizontal axis normalized by TpDG.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (29)

      Figure 16

      For the double-Gaussian and using Whittaker-Shannon decompositions, from left to right we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) with the axes normalized by TpDG for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (30)

      Figure 17

      Schematic of the matrix RI which has nonzero entries centered at βnInI with a width d and zeros everywhere else. The matrix K=βRI and consists of every nonzero element that we set to zero in RI.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (31)

      Figure 18

      For the double-Gaussian, from left to right we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ calculated using the Whittaker-Shannon decomposition with the full βnm compared with the approximate calculation using RI near tI=0 for d=7,9 and 11, with the horizontal axis normalized by TpDG for β=0.1, 5, and 10.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (32)

      Figure 19

      Schematic of the matrix β partitioned into a set of nonoverlapping matrices RJ, each with nonzero values centered at βnJnJ of size dJ denoted by the red squares. The matrix K=βRIRII and consists of every other nonzero element contained in β.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (33)

      Figure 20

      For the double-Gaussian joint amplitude, we plot G¯(1)(t)/Φ calculated using the Schmidt decomposition (top) and Whittaker-Shannon decomposition (bottom) as well as a few contributions from each calculation, for β=150 with the horizontal axis normalized by TpDG. In the bottom plot, the smallest and leftmost contribution is from the n=4 packet and the largest is the n=0 packet.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (34)

      Figure 21

      For the double-Gaussian joint amplitude, we plot G¯(2)(t1,t2)/Φ2 (top), and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G¯(2)(t/2,t/2)/Φ2 (bottom) calculated using the Schmidt decomposition, for β=150 with the horizontal and vertical axis normalized by TpDG.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (35)

      Figure 22

      From left to right we plot the joint temporal intensity, the joint spectral intensity, and the Schmidt amplitudes generated from a dual-pump spontaneous four-wave mixing process. The two pump functions are centered at the wavelengths λ¯P1=1.556µm and λ¯P2=1.547µm and each have temporal FWHM of 100ns and an energy of 103 pJ. The generated photons are centered at λ¯S=1.552µm (ω¯S/2π=193.164 THz) and have a bandwidth on the order of a GHz. The ring resonator has quality factors QP1=1529378,QP2=3844257, and QS=2704405 for the three modes and a nonlinear coupling Λ=5 THz [4].

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (36)

      Figure 23

      Joint temporal intensity calculated using the Whittaker-Shannon decomposition.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (37)

      Figure 24

      Plot of G¯(1)(t) calculated using the Schmidt decomposition (top) and Whittaker-Shannon decomposition (bottom). In the top plot the n=10 Schmidt corresponds to the larger contribution. In the bottom plot the n=20 is the leftmost packet.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (38)

      Figure 25

      Plot of G(2)(t1,t2) (top) and the coherent and incoherent contribution to G(2)(t/2,t/2) calculated using the Whittaker-Shannon decomposition.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (39)

      Figure 26

      Schematic of the sinc-hat joint intensities showing the extra contributions to the horizontal widths in the respective corners.

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    • Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (40)

      Figure 27

      Schematic of a general joint temporal amplitude with a pulse duration and coherence time denoted by Tp and Tc, respectively, in the original and rotated coordinate system.

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    Deconstructing squeezed light: Schmidt decomposition versus the Whittaker-Shannon interpolation (2024)
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